Dpo positive pregnancy test reddit. 6 DPO Average DPO for the first "false" negative .
Dpo positive pregnancy test reddit Only 6% of tests were 4 days before the expected period. Possibly that has something to do with it. I did it at 9 DPO and 12 DPO and there was a faint positive line. When I came out of the lab, doc called me to let me know that the pee test turned positive after I left. Based on how strong my line was with my current pregnancy, I would likely have seen a line at 9 DPO. Implantation typically happens 8-10 DPO, very rarely any later than that. I had a MMC at 8 weeks in august and TTC this past cycle. Most people would get a negative test at 8DPO, but why would you post a negative test? So most of the negative tests don’t get posted. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do. I’m on metformin and a prenatal and my doctor recommended a daily aspirin after I had my 2nd miscarriage. I’m in the same dilemma as you. I know I’m not out but I can’t help but feel like I am! Fertility friend’s info tidbit said that there is a 40% chance of getting a positive at 10 DPO if you’re going to be pregnant. If you still wish to participate in our sub, please review our rules before continuing to post. I’m 10dpo and have take a few pregnancy tests today that have all been positive. HPT Accuracy Results Percentages: (Based on a 25mIU sensitive test) 10 dpo : 35% 11 dpo : 51% 12 dpo : 62% 13 dpo : 68% 14 dpo : 74% 15 dpo : 80% 16 dpo : 88% 17 dpo : 92% Here's another good summary from FertilityFriend: Average Day Past Ovulation (DPO) for the first positive pregnancy test: 13. Both of my pregnancies I tested positive at 10 DPO, but that was the first day I tested (CD 24 for the first and CD 23 for the second). Ugh if only it was 12 or 13 DPO. Also, take the DPO on all squinters on tfablineporn with a huge grain of salt, many of those users are just going off of app predictions, and haven't actually confirmed ovulation with ultrasound, temps and/or OPKs. I wouldn't worry yet. Implantation can happen anytime between 6-12 DPO, and you can’t test positive until you’ve implanted and your hcg levels start to rise enough to be detected by a HPT. Aug 15, 2024 · Hi! Has anyone ever had this same weird situation? 4 days ago (10 DPO) I took a First response and got a definite positive. Sure enough, tested positive (at 7dpo which is wildly early to test positive - clear blue early digital for the win for picking up on that so early!). I probably could have tested positive at 16/17 DPO had I been expecting it, but I certainly was not + at 14. Super faint around 8/9 DPO! Got steadily darker! Currently 13 weeks! Edit: I realized you specifically asked about ectopic pregnancies, and I’ve had one of those. If you factor all these things together (imagine you ovulated later than you thought, implanted on the later side, and used a less sensitive test) it makes sense that they say to wait until 14+ dpo / or after missed period to test. I am 10 DPO and tested negative this morning. I was super bummed, but I figured it was another chemical pregnancy. I checked about nine times just to be sure hahaha. Implantation is typically 8-10 DPO, but can be as early as 6DPO. With my daughter I had an obvious positive at 9 dpo. I had like two days of celebration, and then it was negative. Assuming that temping gets you pretty close to knowing your exact ovulation date, another big variable is implantation day. Does anyone have stories of getting false negatives followed by a positive 13 DPO or more? Trying to keep some hope alive I may be pregnant. I am only 6DPO (7??) and I have took 3 tests so far and they all came back like super positive ). But if you’re due for a period and still testing negative then you’re probably not pregnant :/ happened to me this cycle too. I bought Clinical Guard Pregnancy Test Strips from Amazon, they are about $8 bucks for 20 strips so you can check every day! Highly-rated too. Depending on which ones you use, it could mean a difference of days for positive results. Took the 3rd home test after I got home with the same 1-2 weeks pregnant result. 72 DPO (median 12 DPO). Even if you’re on identical cycles, you can still ovulate at different times and implant at different times! So yes, 10 DPO is still early, don’t give up just yet! The cramping, which felt more like twinges and pulls than period cramps, lasted about three days on and off from 8-10 dpo. Then the following day I took a digital and another first response and both were negative. While my last pregnancy did not last (you can look at my post history), I didn't test positive until 20 DPO. Adding on to this, Fertility Friend collected data on 6000 charts where a user recorded a negative test then a positive test (so people with an inclination to test early) and found that on average the first positive was at 12. Green: 2 cycles before pregnancy Orange: partially charted cycle, first hopeful cycle postpartum Up through 11 DPO they were all in the same ballpark. 6 DPO Average DPO for the first "false" negative Mar 20, 2023 · Usually you test positive by 8-14 DPO. if you’re 15DPO and still testing negative and then test positive later like 16-17 DPO then you probably ovulated later than you thought. By 11DPO you have about a 79% chance of a positive if you are indeed pregnant. At 13 DPO my pregnancy cycle was obviously different, but I got my first positive test 3 days prior at 10 DPO so it was not a surprise. At 7DPO you only have about a 7% chance of a positive it seems. Funny enough, my back pain magically disappeared for most of my pregnancy - physiotherapist said she sees this sometimes, due to the relaxin and shifted weight distribution. Having said that, it is possible that OP implated on 10 DPO and therefore wouldn't get a positive until 11 DPO, absolutely. I used a Premom cheapie. It's true, 13 dpo will cover the vast majority of women but there is the odd one who implants late and hcg rises slowly so it could be several days after that to get a positive, not very common though. Implantation after 10 DPO also has a high rate of MC. The graph that shows the distribution of first positive tests by day This site will tell you your chances of a positive test based on how many DPO you are. I will say that if you’re early in your TTC journey, though, that this can take awhile, and going through this kind of emotion every month can get very, very hard. Hello! Today (12/02) I got my first ever positive pregnancy test!!! I'm super excited and nervous as this is my dream! This is a bit long — I am a bit confused though. Pregnant users must avoid mentioning their current (ongoing) pregnancy or discussing a positive test result (even faint lines). There’s an event I’m going to that I really want to drink at, but I will be 10 DPO. It's absolutely expected for lines (and HCG via blood test) to be very faint and very low at this point. I track my cycles using a bbt thermometer so I know when I ovulate, I had an incredibly squinty line at 6 dpo, with a definite line at 7 dpo when I was pregnant with twins. I love u/UnicornToots Countdown to Pregnancy site which says if you wait till 11 DPO, 80% of pregnant women get a positive test. Im wondering how many DPO others got false negative pregnancy tests followed by a positive. Not going to give up hope until I get my period but just curious if anyone has seen a positive test very early! I know 10 DPO is the usual “early” that I hear about. In 99% of cases at 10 DPO you're just wasting a test. Hcg can be high in singleton pregnancies and be low in multiples, though! The embryo might also implant as late as 12 DPO at which point there's no pregnancy test know to man that can detect HCG if you test before 14/15 DPO. I haven't heard of anyone else testing positive that late, but it goes to show anything is possible! 8DPO very late in the evening! I got a better line 9DPO and a positive digital on 10dpo! I also got one 15 dpo! That one sadly ended in chemical pregnancy, but I confirmed ovulation and for sure didn’t get a positive until 15dpo! Just curious!! I’m 7 DPO and I know it’s too early… but I did one anyways and of course negative. I am feeling down because with my last pregnancy, I tested positive at 10 DPOI also used a First response early response then. I didn't temp 12 DPO of my positive cycle. . A positive before 11DPO is fairly rare, I think Fertility Friend did a study on the dates and the average for the first positive test was 13-14DPO. A MMC in July 2021 and a CP in September 2021. I got an extremely faint positive at 11dpo with this pregnancy, currently 29 weeks. Previous pregnancies at 10 and 11 dpo (both ended in first trimester loss). Most fertilized eggs implant on 9DPO and you won't have enough HCG in your system until 11DPO to test positive. She sent me straight to the lab for a blood test. I started testing at 7 dpo because I apparently graduated from clown school and swear i saw something at both 7 and 8, got an actual real positive at 9, and what I call a “men’s positive” at 13 because partners tend to not understand that a faint line is still a line Discussion of current pregnancy is not allowed in the main threads of the sub. Violation of our rules may result in a I had a really obvious positive at 8dpo, but it turned out to be a chemical pregnancy. In my case, the test was positive around 9 DPO. My doctors said that with a singleton pregnancy it would be pretty uncommon to get a definitive positive before 10-12 dpo. **THAT SAID …. Hold onto hope for just a few more days and you should have a definite answer! Wishing you the best of luck :) Went to the doctor and peed in a cup at 1:30pm and it was negative. I figured maybe the first test was faulty. On 11 dpo I got a positive pregnancy test with a light but clearly visible line, and that same day I spotted a small amount of pale, rusty coloured blood which stopped almost immediately. 10 DPO is very very early. I was bummed and pretty much gave up on this month. I had two miscarriages last night (first time trying). I say just test every morning! I did! So it's a consumer-friendly way for them to say "If you implant on 8 DPO, our test will probably detect it that same day". jtysqg xch xjlb vdgp tharnr aexi vlld gsig vmsiao ezu